Operation Analysis
Operation list
POST /opera/list
Request parameters | Type | Required parameters | Description |
mpId | Number | is | mini program id |
timePeriod | Number | No | The parameter defaults to 30 minutes |
endTime | String | No | End time format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm For example (2018-02-07 17:39) |
requestOnly | boolean | No | Filter operations without network requests, default true |
Return data:
"operaName": "getReport",
"path": "pages/index/index",
"operaAliasName": "Get report",
"operaCount": 2,
"operaRequestCount": 1,
"operaTime": 482.0,
"operaRequestTime": 455.0,
"operaServerTime": 0.0,
"operaAvailableRate": 0.0
Operation details
Operation user experience diagram
POST /chart/opera-performance-trend
Request parameters | Type | Required parameters | Description |
mpId | Number | is | mini program id |
operaName | String | No | Operation Name |
path | String | No | Page name |
timePeriod | Number | No | The parameter defaults to 30 minutes |
endTime | String | No | End time format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm For example (2018-02-07 17:39) |
Return results: Highcharts chart general return results
Time-consuming distribution
Operating time:
POST /chart/opera-distribution-time
Operation request time:
POST /chart/opera-distribution-request-time
Time taken to operate the server:
POST /chart/opera-distribution-server-time
Request parameters | Type | Required parameters | Description |
mpId | Number | is | mini program id |
operaName | String | No | Operation Name |
path | String | No | Page name |
timePeriod | Number | No | The parameter defaults to 30 minutes |
endTime | String | No | End time format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm For example (2018-02-07 17:39) |
Return results:
"series": [
"name": "proportion",
"unit": "%",
"data": [
"name": "number of times",
"unit": "",
"data": [
Map component
Reference application map component
Additional parameters:
Request parameters | Type | Required parameters | Description |
operaName | String | No | Operation Name |
path | String | No | Page name |
##Exception tracking
TOP5 dimension indicator pie chart
POST /opera/pie
dimension option list:
name | dimension |
networkType | networkType |
WeChat version | wechatVersion |
Region and Carrier | regionId,carrierId |
System version | system |
Device | deviceType |
Mini program sdk version | sdkVersion |
Request parameters:
Request parameters | Type | Required parameters | Description |
mpId | Number | is | mini program id |
path | String | No | Page path |
operaName | String | No | Operation Name |
dimensionType | String | is the | dimension key, which distinguishes the pie chart type, refer to the dimension option list |
timePeriod | Number | No | The parameter defaults to 30 minutes |
endTime | String | No | End time format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm For example (2018-02-07 17:39) |
statusFilter | String | is the | exception type, separated by , , for example, when all exception status is selected: slow,netError,jsError,stuck , which in turn means slow page, network error, js error, stuck |
Return results:
"name": "2G",
"value": 1,
"dimension": {
"networkType": "2G"
"name": "Other", // Data records outside top5, no dimension item
"value": 10
Operation trace list
POST /opera/trace/list
Note: Request Content-Type: application/json
Request example:
"timePeriod": 30,
"endTime": "",
"mpId": 111,
"path": "xxx",
"operaName": "xxx",
"statusFilter": "slow,fail", //Reference pie chart
"filter": [
"dimension": "ip",
"values": ["", ""],
"searchValue": "192.168.1"
"dimension": "regionId,carrierId",
"values": ["4811,12000", "4811,12000"]
Return data:
"timestamp": "2019-11-27 15:16",
"id": "YpG4q24Bw-wCxOz_N0tj",
"path": "pages/index/index",
"operaName": "sendOneRequest",
"sid": "48cac7ec-7a22-48b0-bc5f-93c3e957abef",
"uid": "5847de28-2b35-4d6e-b977-ff54a685c7d4",
"ip": "",
"system": "Android 5.0",
"deviceType": "Nexus 5",
"wechatVersion": "7.0.4",
"networkType": "wifi",
"regionId": 0,
"cityId": 0,
"carrierId": 0,
"region": "unknown",
"city": "Unknown",
"carrier": "unknown",
"operaTime": 1604,
"operaRequestTime": 1603,
"operaServerTime": 0,
"operaRequestCount": 1,
"operaServerCount": 0
Request analysis
POST /opera/request-list
Request parameters:
Request parameters | Type | Required parameters | Description |
mpId | Number | is | mini program id |
operaName | String | No | Operation Name |
path | String | No | Page name |
timePeriod | Number | No | The parameter defaults to 30 minutes |
endTime | String | No | End time format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm For example (2018-02-07 17:39) |
Return data:
"netCount": 3,
"applicationServerTime": 0,
"netErrorRate": 0.0,
"netSlowRatio": 0.0,
"responseTime": 84.0,
"host": "demo.tingyun.com",
"uri": "/mp-mock/baidu/list"
Operation trace
Operation trace details
POST /opera/trace/detail
Request parameters:
Request parameters | Type | Required parameters | Description |
mpId | Number | is | mini program id |
path | String | No | Page path |
operaName | String | No | Operation Name |
timePeriod | Number | is | The parameter defaults to 30 minutes |
endTime | String | is | end time format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm For example (2018-02-07 17:39) |
traceId | String | is | operate traceId, operate the id field of the trace list |
Return data:
"timestamp": "2019-11-27 15:16",
"mpId": 2065,
"path": "pages/index/index",
"operaName": "sendOneRequest",
"sid": "48cac7ec-7a22-48b0-bc5f-93c3e957abef",
"uid": "5847de28-2b35-4d6e-b977-ff54a685c7d4",
"ip": "",
"system": "Android 5.0",
"deviceType": "Nexus 5",
"wechatVersion": "7.0.4",
"networkType": "wifi",
"countryId": 0,
"regionId": 0,
"cityId": 0,
"carrierId": 0,
"region": "unknown",
"city": "Unknown",
"carrier": "unknown",
"traceData": {
"data": {
"dataset": {
"methodName": "sendOneRequest"
"target": {
"offsetTop": 829,
"x": 193,
"y": 851,
"offsetLeft": 0,
"id": ""
"prev_path": "pages/about/about",
"count": 0,
"start": 1574839003687,
"requests": [
"status_code": 500,
"method": "GET",
"prev_path": "pages/about/about",
"count": 0,
"start": 1574839003687,
"server_instance_id": 0,
"type": "request",
"server_id": 0,
"opera_name": "sendOneRequest",
"url": "https://reportalpha1.tingyun.com/mpserver/filesuccess",
"fail_message": "{\"code\":\"success\"}",
"duration": 1603,
"path": "pages/index/index",
"rec": 18,
"requestId": 1,
"cb_time": 0,
"end": 1574839005290,
"id": 0,
"send": 0
"type": "event",
"duration": 1604,
"path": "pages/index/index",
"apis": [],
"name": "sendOneRequest",
"end": 1574839005291,
"id": 1,
"info": {
"windowHeight": 518,
"routeTrack": [
"route": "pages/index/index",
"timestamp": 1574838982066
"route": "pages/about/about",
"timestamp": 1574838991094
"route": "pages/index/index",
"timestamp": 1574839000551
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Mobile Safari/537.36 wechatdevtools/1.02.1910120 MicroMessenger/7.0.4 webview/ ",
"windowWidth": 360
"operaTime": 1604,
"operaRequestTime": 1603,
"operaServerTime": 0,
"operaRequestCount": 1,
"operaServerCount": 0
Recent operation trace list
POST /opera/trace/recent-list
Request parameters:
Request parameters | Type | Required parameters | Description |
mpId | Number | is | mini program id |
timePeriod | Number | No | The parameter defaults to 30 minutes |
endTime | String | No | End time format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm For example (2018-02-07 17:39) |
limit | Number | No | The first 20 trace records are checked by default and sorted by time |
Return data:
"traceId": "f758c228c1e148ef8f6e792e1cd91fbf",
"timestamp": "2018-11-12 16:01"